Pet parents around the globe probably agree – our furry companies belong to us as regular family members. From boundless youthful energy to the days when they move a bit slower, pet wellness has become a priority. The pet industry
The Globe-Trotting Pet
The Globe-Trotting Pet Have you thought about bringing Hudson (or whatever name he might carry) to the annual family reunion during your summer holiday? While your loved ones might expect your new beau, they are going to meet the companion
Pet’s Best Friend: The Move towards Hypoallergenic Pet Shampoo
Pet’s Best Friend: The Move towards Hypoallergenic Pet Shampoo How much do you love your dog? Do you consider him or her a member of your immediate family? Our little furry friends give support, love, affection, and a healthy dose
For the Love of Pet Parents
For The Love Of Pet Parents Today, more than ever, pet owners view their pets as natural members of their family. They take their pups to socialize at parks, cuddle with their kitties in cafes, flaunt their bowtied bunnies. Pets
Splish Splash My Dog’s Taking a Bath
Your favorite dog shampoo fragrance might not be his favorite Did you know that 10 % of a dog’s brain processes olfactive impressions while a human’s only 0.3 %? That means your dog’s sense of smell exceeds yours 13 times! Dogs’ heightened
Are Dogs the New Kids?
In the old days, dogs stayed outside; if they were spoiled, they had a doghouse. We tossed our table scraps in their food bowls and threw them a bone every once in a while. In those days, dogs had a purpose. They kept intruders away, herded farm animals or retrieved game while hunting.