Health and wellness trends have been gaining momentum over the last few years as we’ve transitioned our thinking from want to need. Years ago, we might have considered the act of focusing on our own well-being a luxury, something for people who have more time or money. But today, wellness has become more of a necessity as we learn that caring for our mind, body and soul is extremely important and that there are relatively simple and convenient ways to do this.
Little did we know when we rang in the new year in 2020 that it would be a year of instability and anxiety. We have encountered numerous obstacles this year. Quarantine, economic insecurity, face coverings, fear of getting sick – these challenges have weighed on our physical and mental health in ways we haven’t seen before. But as history has proven, challenges make us stronger.
When facing tough situations, it’s natural and right to seek comfort. The mind and body require rest from working overtime, and maintaining well-being is more important than ever.
Self-Care Is for Everyone

Although the year of 2020 certainly calls for more attention to health, focusing on wellness is not a new concept. We’ve been watching this trend grow for some time. In recent years, wellness hubs have increased in popularity as more people have turned to yoga studios, fitness centers and spas for relaxation. Health-conscious people no longer view these experiences as pampering, but rather as stress-relieving requisites for feeling good and staying healthy.
Due to the current global situation, one of the biggest challenges many of us are facing is working from home. While many have embraced this change, for others it can be a bit of a struggle. One of the most important things to remember is to continue to have some structure in your day to day and stick to a routine. This includes strategies for separating work from home, even when they both occur in the same physical space.
In reality, self-care doesn’t have to be expensive; it doesn’t have to take a lot of time, and it doesn’t have to be a destination. Especially in these times when – because of safety concerns – seeking pampering services outside the home might not be an option, we need to bring these essentials inside. For at-home wellness, we want to look for products with ingredients that are healthy, blissful and will provide benefits to treat the whole body, mind and soul. Fragrance is a big part of this. Studies have shown that our sense of smell is directly linked to the emotional center of the brain, which means that different scents can trigger real emotional reactions in our bodies.
Certain scents are designed to bring energy, while others are meant to relax. Sparkling citrus notes, for example, help create an uplifting feeling. Green aromatic herbs soothe the senses. Fragrances that are reminiscent of water and nature, renew the spirit with their sensory delight. One product we’ve found that is able to relay these sensations is the Aery Mindful Collection. The three candles – Revive with a cedar amber combination, Serene featuring a floral and spa water blend and Inspire with rosemary and eucalyptus – are inspired by scents found in nature. They’re designed to help you focus, unwind and destress.
Wellness Strategies While Working at Home
You can begin by setting clear boundaries between a work area and the rest of your home. The work area should be functional and the place where you store all your work materials, but you can also liven it up with some energizing fragrances and fresh flowers. Other rooms in your home can be made comfortable with relaxing scented candles.
Creating a schedule for work/life balance can also be helpful for maintaining mental health. Simple acts such as setting office hours, taking a lunch break and making use of your time efficiently can go a long way. Another healthy habit is to start off each day by taking a shower and getting dressed. It’s simple, but it will make you feel better, and the transition will help you get ready to tackle the day! We like Bathing Culture Mind and Body Wash for an energizing shower. This organic biodegradable soap has scented hints of a redwood forest that will make you feel like you’re getting refreshed in a natural river.
Setting an end-of-work time can be a good idea. Otherwise, you might end up working until you go to bed. Set time aside time to transition out of work mode and give yourself enough time to rest your brain and body before sleep. Many of us like to have a treat while we relax. If your love language is chocolate, you might like the Nude collection.
This line of luxury dark chocolate contains an herbalist-verified super blend of reishi mushroom and selected herbs that are designed to help you cleanse your mind body and soul. Did you know that the mere scent of chocolate can calm a person? The smell of chocolate increases theta brain waves, which triggers relaxation. Treat or no treat, the important thing is that at the end of the day, you make time to rest and give your mind and body time to relax.

What are your favorite ways to find balance? Do you have a favorite fragrance that helps you? We’d love to hear some of your suggestions for activities or products for health and wellness.